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Guest Blog: Will Acts of Terrorism Ever Stop? Can Your Smart Phone Help?

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We are pleased to welcome our guest blogger, educator Rick Ackerly of 

Will acts of terrorism ever stop? A question born of wishful thinking, I’m afraid. Even though our world is actually becoming safer, hornets nests of anger and frustration will still erupt into violence from time to time. With 7 billion people struggling to keep their heads above water in a rising tide of change, what are the odds that there will be outbreaks of rage? A mathematical certainty.

No Gunman Found at University of Rhode Island - But What If?

In what is becoming too commonplace an occurrence, we've again been forced to consider the unthinkable by a report of a gunman on a campus. Based on the report, the campus went in to immediate lockdown while police began a methodical search for the potential shooter. Thankfully, today's incident at the University of Rhode Island turned out to be a false alarm, but it begs the question, are we doing enough to protect students and staff?

We at DefenCall are acutely aware of the need for improved communication and preparedness in a potential deadly situation like a gunman on campus. We have recently published a white paper that looks at how inbound emergency alerting can provide vital help in an incident like this. The white paper shows how smartphone technology can offer a number of potentially life-saving tools from allowing students and staff to "call for help" while transmitting their precise GPS location, to providing approved procedures for students to follow to increase their personal safety.

To explore more on the topic of inbound emergency alerting, please feel free to download our new "Guide to Inbound Emergency Alerting for Colleges & Universities" white paper. This white paper explains what inbound emergency alerting is, how it works and why you should consider it as part of your school safety toolbox.  

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