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Guest Blog: Will Acts of Terrorism Ever Stop? Can Your Smart Phone Help?

We are pleased to welcome our guest blogger, educator Rick Ackerly of 

Will acts of terrorism ever stop? A question born of wishful thinking, I’m afraid. Even though our world is actually becoming safer, hornets nests of anger and frustration will still erupt into violence from time to time. With 7 billion people struggling to keep their heads above water in a rising tide of change, what are the odds that there will be outbreaks of rage? A mathematical certainty.

boston bombing - Google SearchThe discussion about how to improve school safety ranges from arming teachers to installing auto-locking doors. Is there anything we individuals can do to increase the chances of the safety for our children, or at least to keep terrorism out of our souls? Maybe.

In a recent conversation on the topic of panic buttons, my brother sent me the following link and listed some arguments for smartphone panic buttons. Would you put this app on your smart phone?

With one click on this panic button on your smart phone you can:

- Dial 911 automatically

- Send alert messages to Police/Resource Officers/School Administrators/loved ones, including your GPS location

- Send safety protocols for teachers and staff to follow during an incident

- Start protecting kids immediately while you develop your long term safety plans.

- And the cost is much lower than wired panic buttons

How could such an app help? What do you think? Would you use one? Why? Why not? Would you buy it for the teachers and parents at your school?

If we can’t ensure that we will eliminate terrorism from our schools, maybe we can at least keep it out of our souls.

Rick Ackerly
Guest Blogger 


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